Big Ears: Providing Australia with Warehouse Supplies

Web Safety

Web Safety
246 Grand Junction Rd Athol Park SA 5012
Phone Number:

08 8241 0002

Safety Solutions

Web Safety is a Quality Assured South Australian owned company that was established in 1949. Still owned by the original family members, is testimonial to it’s ability of delivering quality goods
and a proven professional service to our customers. Our customer base ranges from government, semi-government, and local government departments through to manufactures and retail sales.

Our coverage in South Australia is extensive with locations situated at Athol Park, Torrensville and Lonsdale. We also provide the services of 2 fully equipped mobile service vans
on the road, that are able to call on organizations in country and metropolitan areas for professional fittings.

Our extensive range of goods covers footwear, clothing, safety equipment and personalised embroidered uniforms. These products may be purchased from any one of our locations or they may be delivered per your designated courier.

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